In order to pursue the appearance of the flat and beautiful, all the buildings adopt new customized containers, which avoids the surface pits and uneven scene caused by the use of second-hand containers, and compares with the old ones, which can give you针对集装箱体积庞大,运输成本高的情况,考滤到项目体量大,结合整个项目实际,采用了 “ 工厂” + “现场” 的施工组织方式; 所有箱体在工厂预制成模块后,现场拼装;现场吊装; 仅对于一些复杂的改装箱体,全部在工厂完成,一来克服了运输问题,二来解决了现场施工不便的窘境;
In view of the large volume of containers and the high cost of transportation, the construction organization mode of "factory" and "site" is adopted in consideration of the large volume of the project and the actual situation of the whole project. After a通常标准的集装箱的宽度只有2.438米宽,空间局促,不利于布置居住空间,此次在道路运输的范围内,定制尺寸为非标的3M宽,空间利用率更大,更适用,更舒适。
Generally, the width of the standard container is only 2.438 meters wide, the space is limited, not in the layout of residential space, this time within the scope of road transport, custom dimensions for non-standard 3width, space utilization ratio is gr从生活到工作,从单体到多模块组合,创吉努力将生活方式、个性特点和客户需求融入设计理念,为客户打造出舒适且有温度的集装箱建筑空间。
From life to work, from single to multi-module combination, Chuangji strives to integrate life style, individual characteristics and customer needs into the design concept to create a comfortable and warm container building space for customers.原材料经第三方检测合格。厂区预制集成房(或模块)均自检合格后才发货。双方按相关规定约定房屋质保及装修配件质保。
All raw materials are qualified by third party inspection. The prefabricated integrated rooms (or modules) in the factory area will not be delivered until they are qualified by self-inspection. The two sides agreed on the quality assurance of housing and